The two equipments or objects of badminton are the shuttle cock and the racket.
There are two parts in Badminton shuttle cock that are made of the feathers of a cockerel. Cock diameter is 1" attached with wings.
Really? Badminton
Due to the light weight and the precise gap between each of the feathers, the shuttlecock is forced to go with the motion of the swing
A racket and a shuttle cock ('birdie').
It is derived from the place where the game was played by British riches, Badminton House. The former name of the sport is battledore shuttlecock.
The head, not the skirt.
Hit the shuttle cock in between the first service line and the net.
Where the shuttle cock lands on the line and is counted as inside the court and a point is given
The facilities of badminton are a place where the sport badminton is played. It's usually located inside a building or complex because the shuttlecock is affected by the wind which can disturb the play.
to play Badminton you need two tennis rackets and a shuttle -Cock which is as special kind of ball that has a mini net arount it! heres a pic: