Serena Williams is very competitive and driven to do well. She has come back after injuries when others might have retired.
Type your answer here... notting real with her.
Rustburo Gym Leader: Roxanne Type: Rock Dewford Gym Leader: Brawly Type: Fighting Mauvill Gym Leader: Wattson Type: Electric Lavaridge Gym Leader: Flannery Type: Fire Petalburg Gym Leader: Norman Type: Normal Fortree Gym Leader: Winona Type: Flying Mossdeep Gym Leader: Tate and Lisa Type: Psychic Sootopolis Gym Leader: Wallace Type: Water
transport ship
Johto1: Leader Falkner, Flying Type, Violet City2: Leader Bugsy, Bug Type, Azalea Town3: Leader Whitney, Normal Type, Goldenrod City4: Leader Morty, Ghost Type, Ecruteak City5: Leader Chuck, Fighting Type, Cianwood City6: Leader Jasmine, Steel Type, Olivine City7: Leader Pryce, Ice Type, Mahogany Town8: Leader Clair, Dragon Type, Blackthorn CityKanto9: Lt. Surge, Electric Type, Vermillion City10: Leader Sabrina, Psychic Type, Saffron City11: Leader Erika, Grass Type, Celadon City12: Leader Misty, Water Type, Cerulean City13: Leader Janine, Poison Type, Fuchsia City14: Leader Brock, Rock Type, Pewter City15: Leader Blaine, Fire Type, Seafoam Islands (Formerly Cinnabar Island)16: Leader Blue, Miscellaneous, Viridian City
A large ship
form_title= Sherwin Williams form_header= Purchase Sherwin Williams products. What type of products do you need?*= _ [50] Where do you most often purchase Sherwin Williams?*= _ [50] What type of project are you doing?*= _ [50]
A large US Navy ship.
The leader in Romania is the president.
a stupid one
That type of ship is called a "Junk".
Montel Williams has RR Relapsing Remitting MS