Bol's career stats per game:
points - 2.6
rebounds - 4.2
assists - 0.3
blocks - 3.3
minutes - 18.7
Manute Bol's shoe size is 16.5.
During his career (1985-1994), Manute Bol was listed at 8 foot a and 200 pounds.
Angelique Bols's birth name is Anglique Katharina Bols.
Manute Bol went by Nute, and The One-Manute Man.
During his career (1985-1994), Manute Bol was listed at 8 foot a and 200 pounds.
During his career (1985-1994), Manute Bol was listed at 8 foot a and 200 pounds.
Lucas Bols was created in 1575.
The population of Lucas Bols is 28.
Mikael Bols was born on 1961-07-28.
Louis Bols was born on 1867-11-23.
Eric Bols was born on 1904-06-08.
Eric Bols died on 1985-06-14.