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Through the evolution of bodybuilding the ideal age for bodybuilding seems to have changed dramatically. For example in the late 60s early 70s the so thought ideal age for bodybuilding was in the early twenties, then in the late 1970s the ideal age seemed to have moved up to the late 20s of an adults life. Nowadays it is thought that the ideal age for bodybuilding is the early 30s. I myself would believe this to be the right age as the testosterone is at an all time high in an adult's life. Along with this the average adult begins to gain roughly about two kgs per year after the age of 25. These two components of the average male's hormones at this age will help one to gain mass in muscle easier than at an early age. However, as far as I am concerned every age is the right age to start bodybuilding as it is a beautiful sport which teaches one discipline and how to succeed in life. Answered by Rex Cobalt

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16y ago
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16y ago

I dont think theres anything wrong with starting early as long as you do things correctly to prevent injuries.. Weightlifting does not stunt growth. This has been discussed over and over again. It is a myth. Completely false. What CAN stunt your growth is poor nutrition. Lifting with bad form can also have adverse affects on your growth, but growth in terms of muscle mass, not height. Mid twenties growth spurt Most people are done growing by the time they hit 21. A young person on this forum has about the best advantage they can get assuming they aquire all the right knowledge. As far as what age to start that has been debated many times. It's really impossible to say at X age it's ok because some people are done growing by the time they are 16, others when they are 18 etc... So my this question..depends on the person and his or hers growth spurts..If you are yonger in your teens I would suggest to talk to your doctor or a person who would know and join a gym where you get a persoanl trainer to help out..I say this for all ages.. and diet and nutrition does count..for building better bones and muscles

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15y ago

Most experts think that 16 is a good age. With proper instruction and light weights, you may start younger, but, nevertheless, doing so may be counter-productive. Before 16 it is probably wise to concentrate on developing all around conditionining, fitness, and coordination by playing a variety of sports.

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14y ago

All ages are the right age. There are too many benefits of proper strength training to neglect it at any age. While you should be supervised when you're young and be more careful when you're old, you should be working to improve your strength - in integral part of your health - as long at all times in life.

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11y ago

The right age to start strength training could be as early as 7 or 8 if the child is mature enough to follow directions and use proper technique. If the child can't do that, wait until they can.

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16y ago

There is not maximum age. No matter your age, building muscle takes work, but is not impossible.

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7y ago

A good age to start is 16.

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