DL3 plays the Titleist D910D3 Prototype with adjustable hossel. He played for years the D909 and was one of the last pros to switch from a persimmon driver to a metal driver (1996). He is still in the top 15 long hitters on tour at 46.
Davis Love III's birth name is Davis Milton Love III.
Davis Love III
Davis Love III was born on April 13, 1964.
Davis Love III was born on April 13, 1964.
Davis Love III is 53 years old (birthdate: April 13, 1964).
Yes, he is definitely a gay.
Michael Jordan
There is no German word "dritt". Maybe someone ment something like "Davis Love III" which is in Germany "Davis Love der Dritte (the third)"
LeRoy Davis III is 6' 0".
He has been DQ'd professionally 3 times.
Nope just high hairline, possibly he could be a recedo pedo
LeRoy Davis III was born on February 11, 1982, in Florence, Arizona, USA.