A toss coin is held to decide which side of the court is given to which player. But, the player loses the opportunity to serve first. The player who wins the toss gets to decide which side of the court he/she wants. But the other player gets to serve first in turn.
A toss i where the two players go and 'toss' a coin if they win then they will have a chocie of of which end they will start the game of of to serve first.
You are not allowed to cheat in a coin toss. NEVER!
The Packers won the coin toss.
A toss
Seahawks won the coin toss
a Coin Toss
Toss of the Coin - 2002 was released on: USA: October 2002
New Orleans won the overtime coin toss.
Any coin toss is always a 50:50 percent chance. It is impossible to guess who will the toss.
If you toss a coin 10 times and count 58 heads, you know the coin is NOT fair.
The Toss of a Coin - 1911 was released on: USA: 31 August 1911
In the Bleachers - 2002 Coin Toss was released on: USA: 2002