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Dimples first became a feature and patented by a certain Taylor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Orginal Golf balls had feathers inside a leather cover. later golf balls were made of various materials and dimples were added later to improve distance.

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Related questions

Why do golf balls have dints in them?

These are called dimples, they make the ball aerodynamic, without these dimples a ball could not fly.

Why put dimples on golf balls?

Dimples make the ball aerodynamic and allows it to fly with stability. Without dimples the flight of the ball would be very unpredictable.

Why do golf balls have pockmarks in them?

You mean dimples? Golf balls have dimples because it maximizes the distance of travel. Dimpled balls travel up to four times farther than smooth-surfaced golf balls.

What is another name for the dimples on a golf ball?

The indentations on golf balls are called dimples. These dimples act as turbulators, which increase the speed, and therefore the distance, which the ball travels, by reducing drag. People began to notice this when they began to realise that poorer people, who had nicks and bumps in their golf balls simply because they couldn't afford new ones, were better at golf than the rich people with brand new smooth balls, prompting aerodynamicists to try and find out why. Now all golf balls have these indentations, or 'dimples'.

How many indentations are on a golf ball?

The indentations on golf balls are called dimples. Most golf balls have more than 300 dimples. The number, shape, size and depth of the dimples affect.the flight of the ball. The number of dimples is generally printed on the box

What sported pimples before switching to dimples?

Golf balls.

Why are dimples on golf balls?

i have no idea, but i assume it has something to do with aerodynamics (?) .

How many dents are in a golf ball?

Golf balls range in the amount of dimples they have and the patterns and sizes of the dimples on the balls, for example the Titleist ProV1 has 392 dimples whereas their DT Carry model has only 252.

Diffence between a smooth golf ball and one with dipples?

A golf ball has dimples which makes it aerodynamic, so it can fly and fly straight. There are no golf balls which have no dimples that are produced for full shots.

336 dimples on a regulated golf ball helps in?

This web site explains why Why are golf balls dimpled? Updated 1997 by PEG. Updated 1993 by CDF. Original by Craig DeForest. Why are Golf Balls Dimpled? The dimples, paradoxically, do increase

Is a golf ball a100 sided shape?

No, it is a sphere with dimples on it (dimples give the ball a more consistent flight apparently). The number of dimples varies between balls, but its usually in the region of 200-500.

What is different about Titleist balls than other balls?

The difference between Titleist golf balls and other branded golf balls is simply the amount of dimples the ball has, the Titleist design helps the ball travel through rough and windy weather.