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What does PAR mean under jstat?

Well, honey, in the world of jstat, PAR stands for "Parallel GC" which is a garbage collector that runs in parallel with the application threads. It helps to improve garbage collection performance by utilizing multiple threads to clean up the trash. So, next time you see PAR in jstat, just remember it's there to help clean up the mess and keep things running smoothly.

What is the DSP Date and JStAt in jail mean?

display date

What does JSTAT mean in legal terms?

It means that they haven't make a decision yet And also mean jail status

What does the stem par mean?

par means EQUAL

What does qu'entendez-vous par mean?

qu'entendez-vous par ... means "what do you mean by...", literally "what do you hear by..."

What does divise par mean in french?

Divisé par means divide by.

What does ITC2 mean in par 38 bulb?

PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation

What does the French word par mean?

the root par means equal or equal to depending on the word. This is like in golf when you get a par. means equal to the average.

What does par 71 mean in golf?

That means that the par for the course is 71. And THAT means that if you get par on every hole it will equal 71.

What does PAR mean on your court paper?

What does PAR mean on your court paper?Read more:

What does the expression below par mean?

Par is taken as an average. Blow par means less than average, or not so good.

What does PAR AVION mean?

PAR AVION is French for via airmail. Par is French for via (or by means of); avion is French for airplane.