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just ignore him

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Q: This person won't talk to me?
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What does you can talk to me i don't care mean?

Means you can talk to that person .. But they dont care if you talk or not .. And they probably wont listen ..

He looks at you a lot and he knows I notice and he wont look away but he wont talk to you?

he's into that person and maybe something went on or he doesn't want to annoy you by talking to that person

How can you talk in roblox cause it wont let you?

Make a parent account for your person and you can edit him

If a guy text youeveryday but doenst talk to you in person?

he is shy you go talk to him and if he still dose not then maybe he likes you but his friends dont and maybe he thinks he is to good for you to talk to you at school then tell him if you wont talk to me in person i dont wan tot talk at all then maybe he will start to talk to you

What do you do when the person you love loves your best friend?

if i love some one and that person loves my best best friend i Will talk to my best friend to leave him or i wont talk to my friend again

If a guy is embarriest to talk to you and he wont talk to you what should you do and he likes you?

you should talk to him tell he don't have to be embarrassed it just talking he would never know the person he like probably will like him

Why will he text you all day and night but ignores you in person?

He texts you all day and night because no one knows when you guys are talking and he wont talk to you in person is because he is embarrassed to talk to you and he is very shy.

Can you talk to birds?

Yes, but they probably wont talk back.

What means full of words?

It means that that the person who said it thinks that you wont do anything or are weak and that your all talk, you'll say anything u want and maybe even threaten but you wont do anything to them

What can you do she wont let you see kids when its your turn?

Talk to a lawyer, or talk it out with her :)

Why can't mimes talk?

because thay dont wont to talk

How do you talk to sissy in Pokemon naranja?

You have to beat her in a race. If there is another person in the water also going around or if she just wont talk to you once you win then you have beta 1 and therefore cant battle her.