20+the number of pins knocked down on the next throw after the double.
A dash mark is used to indicate an open for the game of bowling. As an example, in the first frame, the first ball knocked down 5 pins and the second ball did not knock any more over, the score would appear as a 5-
A spare in bowling is when you knock down all of the pins with both deliveries in a single frame. So, if you knocked down 7 pins on your first ball and knocked down the remaining 3 pins with your second ball, that would be considered a spare.
Scoring is done as normal, however if 9 pins or all pins are knocked down with the first ball, the score is considered a strike for scoring purposes.
A split is an arrangement where there are separate standing pins, or groups of pins, with pins between them having been knocked down by the first ball rolled. The most extreme separation would exist when only the 7 pin (leftmost on rear row) and the 10 pin (rightmost on rear row) are left standing, e.g. a 7-10 split. There may be more than one way to knock down all of the remaining pins to complete a "spare" with the second ball. To do so is to "make the split." According to rule 2h of the United States Bowling Congress (USBC): A split is a setup of pins left standing after the first delivery, provided the head pin is down and at least one other pin is down: 1. Between two or more standing pins; e.g., 7-9 or 3-10. 2. Immediately ahead of two or more standing pins; e.g., 5-6.
Because the pins are shorter, squatter, and lighter than that of the tenpin. The bowling ball is also a lot smaller and there are no finger holes (similar to that of candlestick bowling). Scoring is more difficult because there is less control.The pins are arranged the same way as tenpin bowling. However you have 3 shots per frame to knock down all the pins. A strike is made when all the pins are knocked down on the first roll. A spare is made when all the pins are knocked down in two rolls. If it takes all three shots to knock down the pins, then you get a score of ten but no bonus.Scoring works the same as in tenpin bowling and a perfect game is still 300. As of 2008 a perfect score has still not been recorded.
Bowling, Strike means all pins down on first ball . Spare means all remaining pins down on second ball. If you gett a gutter ball on the first try, and all pins down on the second ball , it's still a spare.Pins left standing on second ball is an open frame.
a strike is all 10 pins knocked down in one try a spare is all 10 pins knocked down in two consecutive tries in the same frame.
A lot!
The early Egyptians invented bowling
The first bowling game is believed to be played around 300 AD.