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lactic acid build up, its important to stretch and to keep moving. if you sit down you will cramp up. after you run, jog a short distance to cool down from your race.

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Q: The burning sensation you feel in your muscles after running a long distance is due to the effects of?
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Why do you get a burring sensation in your muscles during exercise?

that burning sensation is the lactic acid building up in your muscles when your muscles produce lactic acid the start to burn thats why you get the sensation

What causes burning sensation In muscles?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

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There are a number of reasons why you might experience a burning sensation when you pee on your period. Your muscles could be inflamed for example.

Why do athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

Which process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation in their muscles?

The burning sensation in muscles during intense exercise is a result of lactic acid accumulation. When the body can't provide enough oxygen to the muscles (anaerobic exercise), lactic acid is produced as a byproduct, causing the burning sensation. This is known as the "burn" or muscle fatigue.

Why athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after vigorous exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

What causes the burning in your muscles when you have depleted all available oxygen?

The burning sensation in your muscles when you have depleted oxygen is often due to the buildup of lactic acid, a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism. This buildup can irritate nerve endings in the muscles, leading to the sensation of burning. Stretching and increasing blood flow can help alleviate this feeling.

What process causes athletes to experience burning sensation in their muscles?

Lactic acid fermentation

What process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation their muscles?

Lactic acid fermentation

What process causes athlete's to experience a burning sensation in their muscles?

Lactic acid fermentation

When lactate builds in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation. what causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

When lactate builds up in a runners muscles it causes a burning sensation . What causes this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.