youre talking about monica seles, but steffi graf was the one playing her. Monica seles was attacked by a 9-inch long knife in 1993 in a tournament in hamburg.
Steffi Graf's real name is Stefanie Maria Graf.
Steffi Graf was born on June 14, 1969.
Steffi Graf is from Mannheim, which is southwestern Germany.
Steffi Graf definitly who can answer this question >
Steffi Graf goes by Fraulein Forehand, and Die Grfin.
Steffi Graf is 48 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1969).
The total career earnings of Steffi Graf is estimated to be US $21,895,277.
Steffi Graf was ranked world number 3 when she retired in August 1999.
Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi got married on October 22,2001 in Las Vegas,America.
She is German.
Simply because Steffi Graf had the most powerful forehand in women's tennis at the time.
steffi graf