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Generally, there'd be very little advantage to doing so because most of a gymnast's speed, rotation, and power do not come from a lack of air friction, but rather from technique, fast-twitch muscle development, and repetition of skills in practice. But if it makes you more comfortable during the meet to be hair-free, then I'd say do whatever makes you perform better at competition (short of anything illegal).

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Q: Should you wax for a gymnastics meet?
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Did you sigh a wavier? if you did not it seems you should be able to.

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You can go to a gymnastics meet. I am a gymnast! A gymnastics meet is like a compitition for gymnasts.

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it really depends what sport you like better, in my opinion i would do basketball because it is physically active and you can meet a whole lot of people and trust me it is exciting, also i don't know that much about gymnastics so i would do basketball

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take off the wax and rewax it

What should the temperature of warm wax?

Warm wax should be heated to 40-43 degrees.

Should there be any hair stubbles after a wax?

No there should not. When you wax you pull the hair completely out of the follicle.

What is hair removal hot wax?

you've answered your own question, what is hair removal hot wax, hot wax is hot wax, maybe you should be asking what is wax?