the best order should be fastest 400 time 1st then 2nd slowest then slowest 3rd then finally anchor which should be the 2nd fastest.
sometimes however, you can switch the 1st with the last.
A relay is not essential but larger motors have a relay which operates above a certain speed, to cut out the start capacitor, which improves the power factor and reduces power losses.
Standing start and the three point start
it doesnt. you should get that checked it may be a problem with the relay
If you mean that the starter keeps spinning after the vehicle starts), the solenoid/relay switch is not releasing. In the START position, the relay spins the starter to start the engine and should release when the key is moved from START to RUN. Probably needs to be cleaned or replaced.
check the auto shut down relay have some one start the car and touch the relay you should feel it kick off if that's the problem
1985 doesn't have cold start relay.
switch it with a relay that works, like your horn relay or simulate the relay with fused jumper with 12 volts from your battery. 87 on your relay is your out to the fuel pump. putting 12 volts to the point of contact where 87 would be should start your fuel pump.
A potential relay operates on the voltage potential created by the induced voltage in the starting winding of the motor. It is an electromagnetic switch whose coil is wired directly in to the motor circuit. When power is applied to the circuit, the motor starts . As the motor attains its running speed the start winding acts as an auto generator and the voltage potential produced energizes the relay coil which cuts out the start capacitor and the start winding . The start winding still acts as an auto generator , however , and continues to produce enough power to keep the relay energized.
where is the run start relay located on a 2006 Saturn ion
Not if it has an electric pump and a relay.
can a fuel relay fuse make car not start? If the fuse or the relay is bad, yes.
The fuel pump in a 94 Lumina should not be running with the relay removed. The relay could be mislabeled, as the fuel pump is still getting power through a relay.