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Because not enough current is produced by this means to continue to drive the Golf cart.

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Q: Say you put an alternator on the back wheels of golf cart and as the front wheels are spinning it is producing electricity to power the golf cart why doesnt the golf cart stay powered by the alternato?
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What is hydroeletric power?

It's power that comes from a stream of water spinning a turbine driving a generator producing electricity.

How do you get hydroelectricity?

Hydroelectricity is produced by rushing water through a turbine. The turbine spins at high speed, thus spinning the alternator to which it is connected, to create an electromotive force that is the electricity.

What is a device that changes motion into electricity using magnets and spinning coils of wire?

That would be an electric generator. They are also called dynamos. An alternator is a type of generator that makes alternating current.

What uses a coil of spinning wires in a magnetic field to make electricity?

A generator uses a coil of spinning wires in a magnetic field to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. When the wires cut through the magnetic field lines, an electric current is induced in the wires, producing electricity. This process is based on electromagnetic induction.

How can you build a dynamo for producing electricity?

A dynamo uses the same physics as an electromotor. Get yourself any electromotor. Spinning it will generate some AC voltage at the power supply contacts.

How can electricity be generated by wind?

Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy, which is then used to drive a generator that produces electricity. The spinning blades of the turbine capture the wind's energy and turn a rotor connected to the generator, converting the rotational energy into electrical energy. This electricity can then be fed into the power grid for use.

What is the difference between hydro-electricity and wind energy?

Regarding hydroelectricity, the fall of water from a higher level to a lower level helps in spinning the water turbines that turns the electric generator system and hence producing electricity. Regarding wind energy, the wind flow spins the blades of the wind towers that in turn operates the electric generator system and hence producing electricity.

How we make electricity?

Electricity is typically generated by spinning a turbine which turns a generator, producing electricity. This can be done using various methods such as burning fossil fuels, harnessing renewable sources like wind or solar, or through nuclear reactions. The electricity generated is then transmitted through power lines to homes and businesses for use.

What does the spinning wheel in an electric meter mean?

The spinning wheel spins when electricity is used in the house and the more electricity that is used the faster it will spin. The number of rotations is used to count how much electricity has been used.

How is wind energy captured?

Wind energy is captured through wind turbines, which have large blades that spin when wind blows. The spinning motion of the blades turns a generator, producing electricity. The generated electricity is then fed into the electrical grid for distribution to homes and businesses.

How wind and flowing water can be used to produce electricity?

By spinning turbines witch generates electricity

How can electricity by produced from wind?

The wind causes the vanes on a generator to spin. This spinning creates electricity.