I would guess Italian-American
Rocco Mediate's birth name is Rocco Anthony Mediate.
Rocco Mediate was born on December 17, 1962.
Rocco Mediate was born on December 17, 1962.
Rocco Mediate is 48 years old (birthdate: December 17, 1962).
Rocco Mediate, Phil Mickelson
Yes, His wife is named Linda Lee.
He is married with children, so i hope for his wife's sake straight.
Odyssey Sabretooth.
Tiger Woods received $1.25 million for the win. Mediate got more than $800,000
It probably started with his predilection to befriend young, attractive and gay golfers on tour.
The 2008 US Open was held at Torrey Pines, Tiger Woods beat Rocco Mediate in a playoff.