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usually the 400 relay (also known as the 4x100), 800 relay (4x200), mile relay (4x400), and the 2 mile relay (4x800)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

get some friends and have Indian runs. You get in a line and have at least four people.the person in the front says pass and the person in the back goes to the front. it can go on forever

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βˆ™ 11y ago

relay means a race but the race is a short one

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Q: Relay workout fortrack and field
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Track and Field relay races.

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i think ,crt on which temporary magnetic field temporarily connected to the electrical earth by a relay contact (thats why the dwoning sound comes). Then the magnetic field generated is neutralised through the relay contact. in other words charge accumulated discharges to the earth through the relay contact.

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You can purchase Cathe Friedrich workout DVDs online from retailers such as Amazon. Once on the website, type "Cathe Friedrich workout DVDs" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the DVDs.

What is the length of a relay baton in meters?

The standard length of a relay baton used in track and field events is approximately 30 centimeters or 0.3 meters.

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What is medley relay in track and field?

a medley relay is when there are four people in an event, say the event is 4 x 100 ,each person will do 100 m

Where can I buy good working DVDs?

Amazon ( is a great resource for workout DVDs. You can search for specific types of workouts and can also read reviews to see what others who have actually tried the workout have to say!