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A rally is the part where the two players play the game non- stop. It can go on for long periods of time and is really disappointing for the player who ends the rally as they lose that point!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Rally is a a series of shots between opposing players, starting with a serve and ending when the point is won.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

rally kay Gloria

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Q: Rally definition in badminton
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Related questions

What does faults mean in badminton?

Faults is what end a rally in badminton.

What is scored after each each rally in badminton?

1 point is scored after every rally

Is the scoring system in badminton called rally scoring?


How many points does the server get for winning the rally in the badminton?

1 Point.

Who can make points in a badminton game using Rally Scoring?

both players

What is the definition of rallying?

of Rally

What are the Sport lingo in badminton?

smash,rally expedile,high clear,drop shot

What are the common terms of badminton?

smash alley service back alley rally back court fault balk drop carry drive

What is an inning in badminton?

I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as an "alley."What you may be referring to is a "rally" which is when the birdie is in play, being hit across the net.

What are the regulations in badminton?

A badminton match is played to the best of three games. A coin toss determines first serve or choice of side. The object of a badminton game is to hit the badminton shuttlecock over thebadminton net and onto the ground within bounds on your opponent's side of the court. A rally canalso be lost by hitting the shuttle into the badminton net, out of bounds, before it crosses the net to your side, or if it strikes your clothing or body rather than your badminton racket.Badminton Scoring FormatsThe modern badminton rules permit two different scoring formats: service and rally. In service play, a badminton game is won by scoring 15 points in doubles and men's singles, or 11 points in women's singles. In rally play, 21 points are needed to win a badminton game.In service play, only the serving team may score a point. If the rally is lost, service passes to the opponent in singles play. In doubles play, except for the first service of a game, each player on a team is permitted to serve at least once before service is lost. In rally play, a point can be awarded to either team, and in most cases, a point is awarded along with resumption of service, except when a rally point is lost by the first member of a serving doubles team.At the conclusion of each badminton game, players or teams must switch sides. If a third game is necessary during a match, sides are switched during that game when a player/team has reached eight points in doubles or men's singles, six points in women's singles, or 11 points in rally play.Badminton Serving RulesAs in tennis, badminton service is always done diagonally, e.g. from the right service court to the opponent's left service court. The first serve is always taken from the right court, and subsequent serves are taken from alternating sides.Line shots in badminton service or rallies are considered in, though court bounds are different for singles and doubles play. The back line is the same for both, but singles badminton is played with the narrower of the two sidelines.A serve that strikes the net and lands in the opponent's court is a let serve and is retaken. During service, players must stand in their respective service courts. The receiving player is not permitted to move his/her feet until the badminton shuttlecock has been struck. The highest part of the serving player's badminton racquet must remain below his/her hand and waistline during service. In other words, only underhanded serves are permitted.

What is the definition of the head of a badiminton racket?

While not a "definition"; in the nomenclature, i.e.; the names of things, of a Badminton racket its truly called the "stringed" area. Seems silly, doesn't it?Google: "The Laws of Badminton"The other parts are named:The handle, head, shaft, throat and frame.

What are the basic rules in badminton?

The aim of Badminton is to hit the shuttle with your racket so that it passes over the net and lands inside your opponent's half of the court. Whenever you do this, you have won a rally; win enough rallies, and you win the match.Your opponent has the same goal. He will try to reach the shuttle and send it back into your half of the court. You can also win rallies from your opponent's mistakes: if he hits the shuttle into or under the net, or out of court, then you win the rally.If you think your opponent's shot is going to land out, then you should let it fall to the floor. If you hit the shuttle instead, then the rally continues.Once the shuttle touches the ground, the rally is over. In this respect, badminton is not like tennis or squash, where the ball can bounce.You must hit the shuttle once only before it goes over the net (even in doubles). In this respect, badminton is not like volleyball, where multiple players can touch the ball before sending it back over the net.