Opearating system is a Microsoft spyware system
An operating system is a program that can be written in C
It is a multitasking, multiuser opearting. It is a version of UNIX .
Windows 7 and Mac OSX Lion (coming this summer)
Bowling center pro shops have them.
Where the pins are placed is called "the deck". The area where they fall back into is called "the pit".
In bowling, CG stands for Center of Gravity and is the area of a bowling ball that is the heaviest.
It is possible, but you have to know what kind of database do you want to access, as well as the opearting system and C-compiler your are using.
The first indoor bowling center in the US opened in 1840. It was called Knickerbockers of New York City.
Armal Bowling Center in Pasig City and Market Place Bowling Center in Mandaluyong city.