If you are not a golfer, avoid at all cost any kind of silly or goofy Golf-theme gifts. These are useless and a waste of money. Unless you know the golfer and his unique needs, for example, what kind of golf ball does he play with, it's usually best to treat the golfer to a gift certificate from a good pro shop. You can't go wrong.
ClothesHair dyeHair cutToupeeCar6Jewelry
A pack of cards.
paper, pens, cards, envelopes, books
Slim Fast fruit vegetables scale diet soda
Perfume flowers or...Condoms or maybe a ring
You can't really buy a star or a planet, but you might be able to pay a large sum of money and get your name in a book of stars or something like that.
The amount of money being spent on unnecessary stuff
paint brushes canvas paper charcoal coloring pencil
Pillows Sheets Comforter Head Board Bedspread Headboard Mattress Cover