Bent legs, or uneven legs, small spilts, toes unpointed and if you don't have a graceful landing its a deduction.
Yes there is gymnastics is a very strict sport so there are deductions for many things.
go to and surch gymnastics/ floor. plenty will come up. if you are looking for a certain level then type in gymnastics/ floor/ level ___.
There are four sports in gymnastics that have a floor routine. Which are you refering too?* USA Gymnastic Sports w/FX routineArtistic Gymnastics Men'sArtistic Gymnastics Woman'sRhythmic GymnasticsAcrobatic Gymnasticsin USA gymnastics there is alsoPower Tumble and Trampoline GymnasticsGroup Gymnastics
Well, if you were doing it at home then you could go on you tube and type in level 3 gymnastics music but if you were doing it at a proper gymnastics then you could get it off of eBay or amazon.
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There is a *lot* of terminology in gymnastics. I couldn't possibly list it all. I suggest Googling a gymnastics dictionary. What do you mean by basic skills? Basic skill for pre-competitive? Level 4? Level 8? Level 10?
No rhythmic gymnastics uses balls ,hoops and ribbons only on floor normal gymnastics is movements on floor vault beam and bars
Bars, beam, vault, floor for girls. vault, floor, pommel, paralell bars, rings, high bar for boys
Yes especially floor tumbling gymnastics.
There is not a particular song title because the song has been composed for specificity gymnastics although once you get into level 7 you can get music that is by a certain artist as long as it doesn't have lyrics.
Women's Gymnastics: Floor, Balance Beam, uneven Bars, Vault Men's Gymnastics: Rings, Pommel Horse, Floor, High bar.
Cheerleading is performed with a team, gymnastics is a solo sport Cheerleaders stunt Gymnasts have a higher level of tumbling Gymnastics has four apparatuses Cheerleading is more like tumbling. Gymnastics does bars,beams,vaults,and flexibilty. Tumbling is doing backflips,cartwheels,or other stuff on the floor which cheerleading is exactly like.