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Usain Bolt is a horse..

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Q: Is usaine bolt faster than a horse?
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Related questions

Can a horse go faster than a bolt?

A "bolt" is not a gait, it is simply when a horse takes off unexpectedly. The fastest speed a horse can travel is at a gallop when they can reach speeds of 40 MPH.

Is an Olympian faster than a horse?

No, a horse will always be faster than a human.

Is anyone in the US faster than Usain Bolt?

No one anywhere is faster than Usain Bolt.

Is Lionel Messi faster than Usain Bolt?

No messi is not faster than Usain Bolt.

Who is faster Jessica Ennis or Usain Bolt?

usain bolt is faster than Jessica Ennis.

Is Prince Harry faster than Usain Bolt?

usain bolt is faster then prince harry

What is faster a zebra or a wild horse?

a wild horse is faster than a zebra

Who is faster a horse or a leopard?

A leopard is faster than a horse, in the short term.

Is Deion Sanders faster than Usain Bolt?

No, nobody is faster than usain bolt. He is currently the fastest human being.

What is faster a horse or cammel?

A horse is faster than a camel. The American Quarter Horse can run at speeds up to 40 miles an hour for a quarter mile.

Give the proof why kangaroo is faster than a horse in sydney Australia?

Where was it figured out that a kangaroo is faster than a horse?

Can a man accelerate faster than a horse?

No not faster than Secretariat:)