it just depends if you like it i mean if you like it then it really dont matter how hard it is. and if yoou don't like it but your good at it then you should try to make it fun.
track 0
Yes you can-its tricky but not too hard
track is invisible cirle on hard disk and sector are the segments of these circle
Police are able to track melted jewelry. This is something really hard to do.
No you cant. Lojack is a program on the hard drive
In the sentence "hard" is an adjective modifying the noun "harvesters."
you must store it to the hard drive
Run hard and don't stop
Cookies are the text file that the web server stores on your hard drive to track you activities on the web.
The OS has to keep track of the physical location where a document is saved on your hard disk; to do this, it maintains the file allocation table (FAT).
they are hard to track down
They both Can Go Hard And Soft On A Track.