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Definitely yes! Track and Field is an effective way to increase your cardiovascular fitness, lose weight, and even reverse bone loss. In addition to these benefits, running track promotes competition and encourages you to improve your running ability while promoting teamwork.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, except if you fall during the race

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Should you eat healthy when you're in Track and Field?

yes, healthy food properly fuels your body for exercise.

What is last activity of decathlon?

The last event in a track and field decathlon is the 1500 meter run.

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Track & Field Equipment you must have?

Other than the participation that the athletes make, every track and field activity will involve the use of equipment. The equipment is diverse and can range form the flag that is raised by the inspector to something that is more complex.

How do you be good in track and field?

Practice until you can't practice anymore! Eat healthy, train hard and sleep well.

What is widely considered to be oldest sport known to humankind?

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How do you be faster in track and field?

hard work and dedication... no slacking off or skipping practice. drink lots of water and eat healthy.

What is a competition in running called?

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Is chess a track and field game?

No, chess is not a track and field game.

Where did track and field get its name?

track and field got its name because when you run you on a track. the field part is because you compete in the other competions on a field a grassy area.

Track and field in the 2008 Olympics?

Yes there will be Track and Field in the 2008 Olympics.