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Yes there is. I own one

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Q: Is there such thing as a track the darkside bowling ball?
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Is high track bowling better than low track bowling?

The track of the ball is based on how you throw the ball. If your fingers stay in the ball longer after the thumb has released, the track can stay towards the high side. Sometimes the ball will jump more for high track bowlers.

What is a track in bowling?

A track in bowling is referring to the balls trajectory down the lane. Based on where a bowler aims, the lanes oils conditions, the bowling ball use, their rotation and other factors, the trajectory can be vastly different from game to game. A track can also refer to the oil track on a ball. Some bowlers use this track to determine how the ball is rolling and what part of the ball is actually in contact with the lane.

What is a low track in a bowling lane mean?

A low track usually refers to the oil track on your bowling ball. The closer the track is to your finger holes, the HIGHER the track. The farther away the track is to your finger holes the LOWER the track.

What was the most heaviest thing to be juggled?

a bowling ball

How do you dull a bowling ball at home?

With sandpaper. Make sure you DULL the whole ball and not just the track since it is against the rules to dull just the track.

How does your bowling ball get a chip in it?

Usually, the wear and tear of normal bowling will do this. Sometimes it is the lane return machinery at fault. If the chip is not on the track, you have no problem.

What is the bowling ball and soccer ball thing again on newtons second law of motion?

A bowling ball and a soccer ball, dropped from the same height will hit the ground at exactly the same time.

What bowling ball companies merged?

Ebonite acquired the Columbia 300, Track and Hammer brands.

Which has more mass a bowling ball or a table tennis ball?

a bowling ball

Can a left handed bowling ball be drilled for a right hand?

There is no such thing as a left or right handed bowling ball. When the ball is drilled the pattern will be based on the left hand or right hand measurements.

Which of this object that has more inertia Bowling ball or tennis?

Since the lightest tenpin bowling ball is currently 6 pounds and a table tennis ball is not even an ounce, the tenpin bowling ball is heavier.

What is a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is a ball that is used in the game of bowling, where you roll the ball down an aisle and try to knock down as many pins as you can.