Anybody with a heart can pole-vault but it takes courage and a decent amount of physical ability(be coordinated)
It is called the pole vault pit.
Well, participants use a long pole to vault (jump) over a rod, thus the name pole vault
Trick question: The pole used in pole vaulting may be any length. There are no restrictions as far as how long a pole can be or how much a pole can weigh. Poles are rated by the weight of the person using it. Looking at a site that sells poles they come in lengths from 7 feet to 16 feet.
Pole Vault Poles used to made out of materials such as wood, metal and bamboo. Pole Vault Poles are now made out of bendable materials such as Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber
Bill Miller - pole vault - was born in 1912.
Bill Miller - pole vault - died in 2008.
The "stick" itself is just called a pole or a pole vaulting pole. The poles are named by their length and maximum weight it can hold. For instance, a pole that is 12 feet tall and can hold a pole vaulter with a maximum weight of 130 pounds is a 12 foot 130 pole.
Pole vault is classed as a 'jump' in the field event in athletics.
The amount of information needed to safely pole vault is truly staggering. Remember to start off very small! Personally, i did drills with a PVC pipe for three weeks before i was allowed to touch a pole. Start by completing simple pole raising drills and move your way up to planting drills, then to a drill with a short jog into a plant. Always remember it is better to vault safely then to try to jump over your limit!