If you mean the rule prevented a driver from having a C.O.R of more than 0.83, then yes, it is legal to use. But of course, you can't adjust the weights during a round.
She must use her legal name; if this happens to be her maiden name (i.e. she did not change her name at the marriage) then she may do so. However, if she did change her name, she must use this on all legal documents which require it.
Depends on forest rules, because they could take it as threat to the animals.
Yes they can. You can use the Manage Rules option to change the rules you have. When you have one of your rules selected you can click on the Edit Rule command and make whatever changes you want.
There are no rules surround it, or stopping your from doing it. In tournaments, it wouldn't be legal, but so long as you give your race a decent background and agree on rules to use with an opponent it should be fine.
Yes, you can use a different surname than your legal one by going through a legal process to change your name. This typically involves filling out forms, paying a fee, and providing a valid reason for the name change to be approved by a court.
protests and boycotts
Yes, it has rules that we cannot change and other rules. the rules that we cannot change are God's rules (like you only die one time, nature (wether, disasters, desease), the technology of the time, etc, etc) The rules that human make (each indivudual his own), are like : will you have mercy when youre enemy ask, (if you have choise) what weapons use, who do you want to kill and who not, captured men and women's destiny, When a country mocks you will you use terrorists?, etc etc The rules of war are, Stop-the-fire, peace, exchange of (captured enemy) man, Who is the leader, human rights, Can you use nuclear weapons etc etc I think war should have rules. Rules of mercy, not rules of ignorance, etc
I recommend Legal Zoom, it is really affordable and really fast to change your name.
Hart in his book, Concept of Law, has contemplated law to be a unification of two kinds of rules - Primary Rules and secondary rules. These two rules together make, what is known as a 'system of rules'. Secondary rules are of three types -1) Rules of change2) Rules of Adjudication3) Rules of recognitionPrimary rules and secondary rules must co-exist, each being sine qua non of the other.As per his thesis on the rules of change, he says that these are those which enables the modification of the primary rules. If primary rules are not changed then law will not be able to adapt with the changing time and will be of no use. Hart says that rules of change include repealing old rules and bringing new ones in place and amending the rules to suit the changing time and circumstance, which is in a state of constant flux.In light of a constitution, the amending power can be said to a rule of change. eg: Art 368 in the Indian Constitution is a rule of change. (It must be kept in mind that it also provides a power to the Parliament to amend, thus, is also a power conferring law).
Let's take part of your question and see if you can't answer it yourself..... " threaten or intimidate someone ". Where is it legal to do that?
yes because it is an aluminum barrel with a composite handle which is legal this season. It is legal in all states because little league rules are universal
No you do not need consent if you are the legal parent.