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Yes, the floor is the same size for the men and women.

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Q: Is the Olympic gymnastic floor the same size for the men and the women?
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Why were women not allowed to play in the ancient Olympic games?

Women in Ancient Greek were considered inferior to men and did not have the same rights. For that reason they were not allowed to participate in the Olympic games.

What Olympic event can men and women compete against or be on the same team?


What olympic event can men and women be on the same team?

equestrian and sailing teams

What is the floor in men's and women's gymnastics?

Well, the actual floor for both is the same- a 40 by 40 inch floor. But the men only do tumbling, while the women do tumbling and dance.

Why were women not allowed to play in the Ancient Greece Olympic games?

Women in Ancient Greek were considered inferior to men and did not have the same rights. For that reason they were not allowed to participate in the Olympic games.

What piece of gymnastic equipment is used in women's performances only?

The piece of equipment that is only used in women's performances only are called "The Uneven Bars". They have bars for mens performances but they are not the same as the womens. The men's are called "The Parallel Bars".

What does coed by floor mean?

It typically refers to college dormitory living conditions, whereby men and women live together in the same dormitory (coed), but on different floors. For example, men live on one floor, and women live on another floor.

What are the same about the ancient and modern Olympics?

Women are now allowed to compete and there is a Marathon and there is winter Olympics and many more sports and no going naked. Ancient Olympic and Modern Olympic has a lots of events.

In what Olympic event may men compete against women or be on the same team?

show jumping or maybe dressage, something to do with horses

How can I get someone into women's gymnastics classes that would prepare them for the olympics?

If your daughter is taking gymnastics classes, the same shcool of where she is attending should be able to tell here how to prepare for the olympic if she is qualify to participating for the olympic.

Are there any Olympic events where men can compete in but women can't?

A number of gymnastics events: pommel horse, high bar, rings. In sailing the women don't sail the same boats. Decathlon.