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Only if your Brian Baranowsky for everyone else its okay because i have a left hook.

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Q: Is the Noodle golf ball illegal in golf?
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Is the noodle golf ball a good ball to use is warm weather?


Is a noodle ice golf ball legal to use?

Yes... they are USGA approved balls.

Can you use a golf ball that you just found during your round of golf or does this additional ball found constitute a change in equipment and is therefore illegal?

You can use a ball that you found during your round, this is perfectly legal.

Is a crystal ice pink golf ball illegal to use in a tournament?

Of corse not it would be perfectly fine

Which ball bounces higher golf ball or tennis ball?

A Golf Ball

What Happened to Noodle Ice Colored Golf Balls?

nothing i have one

Which ball bounces higher golf ball or Styrofoam?

Golf Ball

What is a resort monagrammed golf ball?

It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.

Which element can you hit a golf ball with?

You can hit a golf ball with a golf club.

What is bigger a golf ball or an eyeball?

A golf ball.

What do you call the ball of golf?

That would be a golf ball.

What weighs more a golf ball or squash ball?

A golf ball weighs more.