Tennis is popular in germany.
Swimming is more popular but then again so is table tennis so its your desition what you like best !!:D lol
it became popular by the french people ok .
The term, "Butterfly", in regards to the sport of table tennis is the worlds most popular manufacturer of table tennis equipment. The Butterfly company makes paddles, nets, balls and table tennis tables.
timo boll is 1 of the most famous table tennis players for Germany timo boll is 1 of the most famous table tennis players for Germany
Table tennis robots are popular training tools for the avid table tennis player. They range in cost from $299 to upwards of $3999 for a more extensive model.
Table Tennis.
table tennis or dodgeball
Table tennis is played in 207 countries around the world, but is most popular in Asia and Europe.
Table tennis and Badminton.
table tennis and martial arts