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no you are in exersize and that's good but if you don't go to the doctor and you always do fittness in the morning for over 30 minutes everyday then you can have some problems some day but if you go a lot and recent sure you probly won't get sick or killed someone else had a stroke from it after he was like 35 when he started and at the age of sixty five he died.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Depends on how much you are running. For most people, no.

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Q: Is jogging everyday bad for you?
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No it is bad to jog anyway. Jogging helps to increase human stamina.

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Is it good to jog everyday?

Jogging, walking, bicycling, etc. are all good to do everyday. You should definitely exercise everyday to stay in shape and in good condition.It is good to jog everyday. Studies show that women or men that jog everyday are healthier then women or men that jog once a month and once a week. If you need or want to exercise than jogging everyday is for you. You don't need special equipment or special clothes. The only thing you have to do is go outside and jog. (Preferably in something other than jeans though) Even if you jog everyday, if you skip one day it doesn't necessarily mean that all of your hard work won't pay off. So, be healthy and jog or at least try everyday.

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Pooping is not bad. It's not good to hold it in everyday.

Why is Kurtis Mupundu a good athlete?

Kurtis Mupundu is a good athlete because he goes jogging everyday for TWO hours. You should try that to be like him.

What is the tone in the poem Mexicans begin jogging?

The tone in the poem "Mexicans begin jogging" is playful and lighthearted. The speaker pokes fun at stereotypes and societal expectations while celebrating the everyday activities of Mexican Americans. There is a sense of humor and irony throughout the poem.

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These shoes are for jogging?
