Jodie Marsh's birth name is Jodie Louisa Marsh.
Jodie Marsh was born on December 23, 1978.
Jodie Marsh was born on December 23, 1978.
The duration of Totally Jodie Marsh is 1800.0 seconds.
Totally Jodie Marsh ended on 2007-09-09.
Totally Jodie Marsh was created on 2007-07-22.
Jodie Marsh is a model and also a media personality. Use the link below to learn more.
Lady gaga she hasn't had all the work done jodie marsh looks like a fish
She is a Lesbian as she has a girlfrend.
Her real name is Jodie Louisa Marsh - her father was John Marsh. She was born on 23 December 1978 in Essex, which makes her an Essex girl. Say no more.
Jodie Marsh
Jodie Marsh, a self proclaimed bisexual, has been linked to Matt Peacock as a spouse but has also been engaged to Brentwood DJ David Doyle. She is a english media personality.