Probably a golf ball, it is a lot denser. If you dropped a golf ball on a concrete floor it would bounce, if you drop a brick it will break.
You drop it once, if it comes to rest on the path, you drop it again, on the second drop if it comes to rest on the path you place it where the ball touched the grass first on the second drop.
If you drop the ball when you're playing golf in the water you get a penalty
you hit the ball towards the flag. But if it goes in a water hazard, you drop before the water.
It depends on the nearest point of relief. On the green you would place the ball, not drop it.
They will drop at the same speed, the only way one could beat the other is if you were to increase the speed it travels by giving it an extra push..
Rule changed to dropping at arm's length in 1984.
Put an exact amount of water in a measuring cup. Drop in a golf ball. The increase in water level equals the volume of the golf ball, assuming the ball doesn't float. For example, 200mL before ball. 280ml after ball dropped in. Therefore volume equals 40ml or 40 Cubic Centimeters.
A Golf Ball
If this happens you can get a free drop under the rule that you can not harm any living animals.
Golf Ball
It is a golf ball that has the logo of a resort/golf course printed on the ball.