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Q: Is it true a golf ball accelerate when either it's speed or distance changes?
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How does speed change?

Speed changes when an object either increases or decreases its velocity over time. This can be due to factors such as acceleration, deceleration, or changes in direction. Speed is a scalar quantity that measures the rate at which an object covers distance.

Does a camel accelerate if it changes directions but stays at the same speed?

Yes it does, because acceleration is a unit of speed and direction.

If a person is riding a bike and has not changed either speed or direction is that person accelerating?

No. they must be increasing speed to accelerate.

How can an object accelerate if it is moving at a constant speed?

An object can accelerate even if it is moving at a constant speed if the direction of its velocity changes. Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity, which includes changes in speed, direction, or both. For example, a car moving in a circle at a constant speed is accelerating because its direction is constantly changing.

How does mass effect the distance and speed of a balloon car?

The mass of a balloon car affects the distance it can travel and the speed it can achieve. A heavier balloon car will typically have more inertia, making it harder to accelerate and affecting the distance it can travel. Conversely, a lighter balloon car will accelerate more easily and cover a greater distance due to less inertia.

What causes light to accelerate?

Light does not accelerate. In a vacuum, light always travels at a constant speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, known as the speed of light. It only changes speed when it passes through different mediums.

How can your speed accelerate even though your speed does not change?

Your speed can accelerate even though your speed does not change if you are changing direction or accelerating in a circular motion. In these cases, even though your speed remains constant, your velocity changes due to the change in direction, causing acceleration.

If an object starts to accelerate what is it called?

If an object starts to accelerate, it is called gaining speed or increasing its velocity. Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time.

A situation when you can accelerate but the cars' speed doesn't change?

"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction. If the direction of your motion changes, then there is acceleration, even if your speed doesn't change.

Which a force changes the speed of an object?

A force can change the speed of an object by either accelerating or decelerating it. The direction and magnitude of the force will determine how the object's speed changes - an applied force in the direction of motion will accelerate the object, while a force in the opposite direction will decelerate it.

What are ways objects can accelerate?

Objects can accelerate through forces like gravity, friction, and applied external forces. Acceleration can also occur from changes in an object's direction or speed.

Distance equals velocity time the equation sHow is that distance varies as time?

Distance is dependent on time. If there is no time, there is no distance, as distance = velocity * time. As time or speed increases so will distance, therefore, if distance increases, either speed or time must increase. If either speed or time = 0, then distance will equal 0.