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I think so. Generally there are no competing elites past age 20, so that would give you 6 - 8 years...and you need to move up 5 levels. So it's possible, but not likely. Most elites were level 6 probably around age 8 or younger.

It's never too late for anything.

I believe that everything is possible if you put your heart and mind into it!!

I think that since your only 12 and in level 6, if you work hard it's possible, it's not like your 15 or something,

No 12 is not late for starting gymnastics. I know this because I'm 14years old and I'm starting gymnastics next year (which is in less than a month) I am very happy.

PS: When you go to a gymnastics club some of them have a free trial. Which you don't have to play...

One very obvious exception to an elite gymnast being over 20 nowadays is Oksana Chousovitina from Uzbekistan/Russia/Germany. I know she was still competing in 2008/09 mainly as a specialist which would put her age at being 31-32 years of age, married with 2 children. She started appearing in major competitions at the 1991 World Championships in Indianapolis USA so putting her elite career at over 17 years.

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15y ago

Many people are sixteen or seventeen in the Olympics. So unless you are beyond a prodigy, and are able to go up agains those who have been tumbling since they could walk, I'm sorry, but it is VERY unlikely.

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12y ago

If your eight and in level 3 your not gonna become an elite, sorry. I'm elleven and going to be a level eight before I turn twelve. But it deppends on how hard you work how high you get.

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Of course you can if you try! Anything is possible in gymnastics! If you move one level a year you'll be 9 in L4, 10 in L5, and 11 in L6! 12 in L7, 13 in L8, 14 in L9, and 15 in L10. Oh, and of course, the star of the show, 16 in Elite! Progressing through each level in one year will be tough, but be strong, and when you wish you could go back, remind yourself what you came for. Good Luck!

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13y ago

Sorry... but it kinda is...

The last year that it is possible to compete (with the exception of the Olympics) is when your 18. Therefore, unless your REALLY good and do 2 or 3 levels per year... SORRY!!!!

It's ALWAYS good to dream big!!!!!!!! You could make up your own Olympics at your gym and compete in it like that!!!!! Have fun!!! ;)

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11y ago

No! Always follow your dreams! Ethel Seymour who was 46 years old won a team medal for Great Britain (bronze) in the 1928 Games, and Lucien Demanet of France was 45 years old when he won a team bronze medal at the 1920 games!

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14y ago

no, because my best friend is on level 4 gymnastics. and she is the best person on our team. and the best friend you could ever have!

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11y ago

No, just keep working hard! Most college gymnasts are at least a level 9 and sometimes a level 10!

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