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Yes! Maybe a nice walk, and some stretches but nothing more!!

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Q: Is it bad to run the day before a track meet Not all out just to work up a good sweat?
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Is riding a bike healthy?

Yes it is, you sweat and are using your muscles when you bike. If you have a severe heart condition ask your doctor before you do bike though. But YES go bike it is just as good as running or swimming.

Should you get polar heart watches?

A polar heart watch is good for monitoring your heart rate before during and after exercise. If you are an avid athlete or just want to keep track of your heart rate, it would be good for you.

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You can easily get rid of sweat stains using a good quality stain remover. The market is full of these products. Just remember to pick a good product and simply follow the instructions given. I am sure you will have no complaints.

Is 13 degree Celsius hot or cold?

.I think that shorts and a sweater could be just fine if you don't get cold easily. Light pants are probably your best choice. But 13 degrees celcius isn't good fro sweat pants. If your sporty wear track pants and if your just average wear light pants.

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Yes just because someone has diabetes(like me) doesn't mean that they can't live life the same way they did before they got it! They just need to check their blood glucose( blood sugar) levels and keep it in track different things can effect blood levels just keep it in track and you'll be all good!

Does just dance 3 make good exercise?

Yes indeed it does. Play the harder songs to sweat more.

What is the meaning of the sweat?

It means you sweat like you have just went for a swim!

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Just before the line not on it or over it

What is the meaning of swim sweat?

It means you sweat like you have just went for a swim!

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Yes. Just not too close to your eyes. And go light on your forehead if you'll be doing anything that might cause you to sweat, to keep the sweat from washing the sunscreen into your eyes.

Can you add a hidden track before the first track of a CD using Toast Titanium?

No, Toast created Red Book CD audio discs that conform to the established standards, and cannot create a track before track 1. You can create a 'hidden' track by sticking extra content at the end of the last track with a suitable gap. Just insert a 5 or 10-second gap at the end of the last standard track and then the extra audio.

Is it safe to work out immediately after a shower?

If you keep that sweat sitting on your body and can get into your skin and produce pimples ... It's fine to work out after a shower. just when you're done wash your face and put on some clean clothes. working out before a shower would probably do more good than after one. Because you feel like you can sweat more before a shower so your results will be better.