hell no! eastern are good bikes for beginner's, if u want a pro bike get a subrosa. easy access danscomp.com
Im a ok BMX freestyle Biker and i have the Eastern traildigger it handles tricks
well but i do stuff like one footers 180s no footers, but that stuff is easy!
if you want a bike for trails and dirt go for an eastern trail digger or a fit bike
m opinion, the eastern.
shimano dxr is the best for bmx racing
Its ok but you might wanna get a racing bike after awhile
Get a mirra co., we the people, fit bike co., stolen, or eastern. all equally good
kink, sabrosa, Fit. Co, KHE, GT, We The People, Premium, Eastern. These are good bike brands. From £250+
It will if you have bmx (or bmx style) cranks.
Wethepeople bmx bikes are excellent, probably the best
eastern have some good bikes check out winstanleysbmx
There are many great bmx bikes it is mostily based on your style of riding weather or not the bike is good.the most perfered bmx bikes are as listed.ColonyWe The Peopleredlinehoffmanfit-bikepremiumkinkharomongooseEasternKHEblanktheres bike are in the right arderwww.Danscomp.com (this is a amazing online bmx bike store)