If you mean USAG, then yes. USAG means United States of America Gymnastics.
East Atlantic Gymnastics League was created in 1995.
As of July 2014, the market cap for USG Corporation (USG) is $3,804,852,123.60.
The symbol for USG Corporation in the NYSE is: USG.
USG Corporation was created in 1901.
USG People was created in 1997.
USG Corporation's population is 14,100.
The population of USG People is 7,160.
The school team, a separate league, or a competitive team.
331 USG
Knauf USG Systems was created in 2002.
Joga gymnastics is a gymnastics league that is less practice time and you can choose your own routine and music. It is probely more for people that do other sports or for people that like to do there own stuff. I think it is really fun. But that's just me. Hope I help :)