Tiger is more Asian (25% Chinese, 25% Thai) than African-American (25%) or Dutch (12.5%) or Native American (12.5%)
Where did you obtain this information? Is it possible for anyone to get a test that accurate of ones own lineage?
Tiger woods is 25% Chinese, 25% Thai,25% African American,12.5% American Indian and 12.5% Dutch. I believe that makes him half Asian and one Quarter African American. In my opinion, He's an American and the son of a decorated retired officer of the Army. Like most Americans, he is of mixed ethnicity which is what makes our Country a great country to live in!
Tiger Wood's EthnicityOne-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Thai, one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch.
No. His father is a black American. His mother is from Thailand.
Tiger Woods
Eldrick "Tiger" Woods
Tiger never had an African American girlfriend. period.
Although Tiger Woods' father is half black, the mix of races in his parents means that while Tiger is one-quarter African American, he is also half Asian (one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter Thai), one-eighth Dutch, and one-eighth Native American.
tiger woods
yes tiger woods is native American
the masters
Yes, Tiger Woods' father Earl Woods was 1/4 Native American, so Tiger is 1/8 Native American.