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No, but he has committed to the first Fed Ex play off event, The Barclays, which starts on Thursday 26th August.

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Tiger Woods is down and out for a whie dur to back surgery.

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is tiger woods pga tour 2009 going to be released on PC

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How many amateur tournaments has Tiger Woods won?

Through June 2008, Tiger Woods has won 64 PGA Tour events.

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The car industry is one of the hardest hit by the recession, they just could not afford or justify keeping their sponsorship of Tiger Woods going.

Did Tiger Woods do well in high school?

Realistically... How is anyone here going to know this information.

I was playing golf at a golf course when Tiger Woods walked up to me and said that he is going to retire. Do you believe this?

No, Tiger Woods doesn't talk to the general public so I doubt he would tell you something like that.

When will Tiger Woods go back playing golf after injury?

According to sources, Woods is currently using an iron and is going to return around the next masters.

Is rory mclroy better than Tiger Woods?

NO. Tiger Woods is way better that Rory mclroy. Sometimes Tiger isn't always in his game, but he's way better!

What is Tiger Woods greatest accomplishment?

He has so many. The yard stick against which professional golfers are measured, is how many major championships they have won. Tiger Woods has won 14, but he is still going strong.

What episode of Family Guy did Tiger Woods and his wife appear in a bedroom scene before his interview with Nike?

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