3.55 is blazing!! only if its done laser timed or another form of FAT timed like off the gun. if its done by hand its still fast but inaccurate. more than likely you mean 30 yards if you ran that time.
depending on how fast you can run i'd say 3:00-3:30
30 seconds
Jesse Owens' gold medal winning time in the 100 meter dash in the 1936 Olympics was 10.30 seconds. Today, as of October 16, 2007 the world record in the 100 meter dash is 9.74 seconds. As of today 8/30/2009 the record is 9.58
35 - 5 = 30
.30 vs .355
a 355 cid is only a 350 sbc with a .30 overbore to the piston. so a 350 c.i.d engine with a .30 bore makes it a 355 c.i.d. the c.i.d means cupic inch displacment
.30 vs. .355
it is a 30 over 350