Princess Helene de Mecklembourg introduced the first sapin de Noel in the year 1521.
The first Mass in the Philippines, led by Ferdinand Magellan's chaplain, was believed to have taken place on Easter Sunday, March 31, 1521, in Limasawa, now part of Southern Leyte province. This event marked the introduction of Christianity in the country.
Magellan and his expedition were the first Spaniards to reach The Philippines, but they did not discover it. They reached The Philippines on March 16, 1521.
85% of 1,521 = 85% * 1521 = 0.85 * 1521 = 1,292.85
There really is no "Roman Catholicism," that is just a slur that became popular in England after the protestant revolt. Catholicism first came to the Philippines in 1521, this is from Wikipedia: While many history books claim that the first Mass in the archipelago was held on Easter Sunday of 1521, others present evidence that it was elsewhere. Some books claim that this was done on the same day in a little island near the present day Bukidnon Province. There is only one recorded Christian Mass in the Philippines that is provable, and it was that held at the island-port named Mazaua on Easter Sunday, 31 March 1521. This incident was recorded by the Vicentine diarist Antonio Pigafetta
Until 1521, several native American tribes from which the Aztecs and Mayans were the most important; from 1521 to 1821 Spain controlled Mexico. From 1821 to this day Mexico is an independent country.
1521 - 1474 = 47
1521 = MDXXI
Ferdinand Magellan my friend. He was killed by a native warrior in 1521.
1521/3 = 507
39 39X39=1521
Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to reach Asia by ship. He was a Portuguese explorer who lived from 1480 to 1521 CE.