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Out of bounds is the strictest rule in Golf, and often the harshest. You have to replay the ball from the exact same place you just played that shot from. So if you are on the tee and hit one out of bounds, you tee it up again and you are now playing your third shot off the tee (This includes the one shot penalty). If you are in the fairway and hit it out of bounds, you replay it from as close as possible to where the original was hit from.

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Q: In golf if you hit OB how far can you move your ball away from the hole?
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Can a golf ball be declared lost or unplayable anywhere on a golf course?

If the person who played the ball think he/she cannot play the ball where it lies then yes the person may take a one stroke penalty and move the ball.

What do you do if you hit your golf ball onto the green of another hole?

You place a coin behind your ball, if they played away and hit your ball they would receive a two shot penalty- they would then have to play their ball as it lies and you would have to replace your ball.

When you hit a golf ball it goes high how do you fix that?

A simple tip for that is move the ball further ball in your stance. If its when you hit your golf ball off a tee, another simple tip is just lower your tee farther into the ground.

Do our whole eye move or just the pupil?

The whole eye moves. It really is shaped like a ball that turns in its socket. And the pupil is really a hole in that ball. There's really no way to move a hole w/o moving the substance the hole is in.

How do you reduce drag on the CO2 dragster model?

Golf-ball the surface of the car. If you drill shallow holes on the car (like a golf ball's) it helps let air move around it.

What type of force is required to put a golf ball in motion?

The force required to put a golf ball in motion is typically generated by the golfer's swing, which applies a force to the ball through the club. This force causes the ball to accelerate and move forward.

What would have happened if the same astronaut hit the golf ball in outer space away from gravitational pull of the moon?

According to Newton's Laws of Motion, the First Law states that an object will move at a constant momentum until acted upon by an outside force. Therefore if the golf ball was hit away from the moon's (or any other) gravitational pull, then it should continue to move at constant momentum until a gravitational pull from an object acts upon it.