A lie is the way a ball in play is resting.
No, not the pros, but when you are out for a round of golf with your buddies, of course so.
An elevated lie is a golf term for a ball that is higher than the feet of the player playing the shot.
Sweden and Finland.
You lie on back you like missionary position; you lie on front you like doggy-style; you lie on side you lazy. That all "symbolic meaning of different sleeping position you need.
The ulna and radius bones lie lateral to the wrist.
you have made a lie
In Chapter 3, a rumor circulates that Jordan Baker cheated in a golf tournament. This rumor suggests that she moved her ball to improve her lie, which brings into question her integrity and sportsmanship.
The homophone of "lie" is "lye." "Lie" is a verb meaning to be in a horizontal position, while "lye" is a noun referring to a strong alkaline solution.
USGA standards for loft/lie: http://www.usga.org/workarea/linkit.aspx?linkidentifier=id&itemid=10568