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Q: In bowling what is the average number of boards between your slide position and your laydown point?
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Related questions

How do you make a puppy laydown?

You push your puppy until they laydown, then clearly say "laydown", then pet them and give them treats. Do this repeatedly and they will learn very quickly. I did this with my puppy when teaching her sit and she learned it in 15 minutes!

What weapon starts with l and ends with n?

its a "laydown"

What US nuclear weapon was the first 'laydown' surface burst bomb?

The Mark 7 nuclear bomb was the first "laydown" surface burst bomb used by the US military. It was designed during the Cold War and had a yield of approximately 20 kilotons. The Mark 7 was primarily intended for use by tactical strike aircraft.

What is a laydown yard?

It is a area of land to be used for the storage of equipment and/or products.

How do you define blending delay time in textile?

It is defined as the time required between bales, or selection of bales within a laydown during the feed operation or the separation in time between the first and the last portion of cotton at any at any one process within a specified time interval. To achieve better blending , BDT should be as prolonged as possible.

How long does it take to teach a nintendog a trick?

it varies between tricks. sit laydown and roll over are 3 or 4 times other expert tricks could take between 5 and 10 tries. also try to buy smart dogs so they could learn the trick more quikley

What can be done to help stress headaches?

well you can take a hot bath or laydown in a dark lit room and rub your temples and close your eyes. you can also take a short nap or go to sleep

When did the first atomic bomb touch down?

Atomic bombs don't do that. The closest thing to what you are describing is a "laydown" bomb, a bomb designed to destroy airfield runways using a parachute to put it gently on the ground then detonate it later after a delay of seconds to days. While such atomic bombs have been built and stockpiled, none had ever been used or tested. The nonnuclear "laydown" system was tested by dropping nonnuclear dummy bombs and the atomic bomb to go inside was tested; but entirely separately. In an attack using "laydown" bombs several would be dropped with different delays, so that some exploded very soon after landing causing destruction of the runways, then others would explode at various later times to prevent repairs and harass the repair crews.

How do you masturbat?

all you have to do is pull it up and down antel you feel good you can also use things to help yourself ive heard people laydown on the floor and move up & down. weird i know

How did Romans sit when they eat?

They did not sit to eat, they laydown on things resembling couches surrounding the table. That was how all civilized people ate in the lands around the Mediterranean. Only barbarians sat or stood while eating.

How bo you get the animation laydown on meez?

you go too chillville and go to any place in chillville and you talk to a guy and there is the lay down animation for like 1400 or 1500 coins!!!!!add me if you want my meez acount is death200241!

How do you Lay down code for meez?

There isn't really a code for it. You have to buy it. When you go to Meez Nation you can go to Chillville and there should be a guy standing there. He wont be one of the other players though. If you click him, then you can buy the laydown option. It will cost you 1,500 meez coins. :]