Your question makes no sense. And Lucy would probably not care about her score because she changed sex during the tournament.
Lucys annoying
Calafornia l.a.
Lucys annoying
I think it's blue or green
Lucy's surname in the Eastenders is Beale.
she takes the pumpkin from you.
over 3 million yrs ago
there is alot of them ill try to name the most important Lucy Desberg Sunny[Sunnita} Lucy's Best Friend Yamir-Sunny's brother at the near end of story Lucys crush Jane[mom]- lucys mom Grandmother -lucys grandmother Moris- grrandmothers financial planner Gary- moris son Mr/Mrs. Ramal- sunnys mom/dad Cassandra -Sunnys friend Erin Erica Kristen Claudia- lucys sister
Lucy carried a healing potion with her. It was a gift from Santa.