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probably a 24 too... no more then 25.

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Q: If your hanicap is 24 based on your golf coyrse slope of 124 what would your handicap be on a course with a slope rating of 125?
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Would your handicap be the same on the yellow tees as it would be on the white tees?

No. A true USGA handicap takes into consideration the tees being played. The slope rating and course rating which are used to calculate your handicap are different for each tee.

What are the range of slope ratings for golf courses?

The slope rating scale goes from 55 to 155 and is a measure of a courses diffictulty and used to calculate a players handicap index and course handicaps. The lower the rating, the lower the difficulty of the course. The average slope rating is around 113.

What are the chances of a 25 handicap shooting an 82 on a golf course with a 72.4 rating and a 134 slope?

It's probably unlikely that the 25 handicapper will shoot that many under their handicap, but you never know. Depends if they are regularly shooting better than there handicap. Anything can happen in golf.

What is a handicap in golf?

The USGA (United States Golf Association) introduced a handicap system in the early 20th Century. The purpose of the system has always been to attempt to level the playing field for golfers of differing abilities, so that those golfers can compete equally. For example, imagine someone whose average score is 92 trying to compete against someone whose average score is 72. Without a handicapping system, it can't be done. At least not fairly. With a handicapping system, the weaker player is given strokes on certain holes on a golf course. That is, on a particular hole the weaker play may be allowed to "take a stroke" - deduct a stroke - from his or her score for that hole. At the end of the round, the two players of differing abilities can figure their "net score" - their gross scores minus the strokes they were allowed to take on certain holes. The USGA Handicapping System received a major refinement in the early 1980s with the introduction of slope rating for golf courses, joining the longstanding course rating as methods of rating the difficulty of a course. Course rating is the number of strokes a certain set of tees are expected to be played in by the upper-half of scratch golfers. Sponsored Links A USGA Course Rating of 74.8 means that 74.8 is expected to be the average score of the best 50-percent of rounds played by scratch golfers. Slope rating is a number representing the relative difficulty of a course for bogey golfers compared to course rating. Slope can range from 55 to 155, with 113 being considered a course of average difficulty. Par plays no role in computing handicaps. Only adjusted gross score, course rating and slope rating come into play. Adjusted gross score is a golfer's total strokes after allowing for the maximum per-hole totals allowed under Equitable Stroke Control. A player's official USGA Handicap Index is derived from a complicated formula (that, thankfully, players themselves do not have to figure) that takes into account adjusted gross score, course rating and slope rating. With as few as five rounds, a player can get a handicap index by joining clubs authorized to issue them. Eventually, handicap index is calculated using the 10 best of a golfer's 20 most recent rounds. Once a USGA Handicap Index is issued - say, 14.8 - the golfer uses that to determine his or her course handicap. Course handicap - not handicap index - is what actually tells a golfer how many strokes they are allowed on a particular course. Most golf courses have charts golfers can consult to get their course handicap. Alternately, golfers can use various online course handicap calculators, such as the one here. All that is needed is a USGA Handicap Index plus the slope rating of the course. Once armed with course handicap, a golfer is ready to play on an equal basis with any other golfer in the world. To take part in the USGA Handicap System, a golfer must join a club authorized to use the system. Most golf courses have clubs that can issue handicap indexes, so finding one isn't that difficult. But just in case, the USGA allows golfers to form clubs without real estate, which may be a collection of as few as 10 friends who are willing to form a club with a handicap committee. Once in such a club, a golfer will turn in or post his or her scores following every round, most often electronically by using a computer in the clubhouse or, if the club uses the GHIN service, by using any computer. The club's handicap committee handles all the computations and should issue handicap indexes once a month. Answer by FutureLPGAgolferTo put it simple, YOUR AVERAGE GOLF SCORE OVER ONE SEMESTER OR A YEAR.

Can you approximate a handicap when all you have played is a 9 hole executive course 1603 yds and a par 30 with an average score of 46?

HandicapYour handicap would be 8 No, it definitely would not be an 8. First of all, yes, you can extrapolate a standard handicap from play on an executive course. The formula for calculating an exact handicap is a bit complicated, involving both the rating and slope of the courses played. However, in the case cited, the golfer is 16 over par for 9 holes. The computed handicap would be closer to 30-32.

What handicap golf an 82 average?

In the UK it would depend on the CSS/SSS and par of the course. In the states I think it goes on par for the course and the slope rating. 82 consistently would put you in the 10-12 or so category.

What are the odds of a 18 handicap shooting 5 under par?

If you are talking gross score it is statistically impossible. Depending on course rating and slope a 18 handicap golfer probably averages around a 95. Keep in mind that the modern handicap system is based on your potential to score, not way you average score is. A golfer should only shoot his handicap one out of five rounds. According to Dean Knuth who created the course rating system someone who is a 18 handicap should only shoot 10 strokes better than their handicap 1 out of 37000 rounds. Each shot better goes up exponentially. For example nine strokes better is 1 in 3577 rounds. To shoot 23 strokes better would be greater than 1 in a billion rounds.

Is 21 considered a low or high handicap in golf?

well it is considered a relatively high handicap in golf, this means the individual would likely average around 93 for all his rounds of golf. one must include slope and rating of the course when calculating a handicap, all handicap calculating programs calculate slope and rating for you. please keep in mind this came from a scratch handicap (0) and that the average golfer shoots 106 in his average round so think of it as your already better than average!!!!

What are the ratings and certificates for The Shamrock Handicap - 1926?

The Shamrock Handicap - 1926 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review) USA:TV-G (TV rating)

What are the ratings and certificates for Seinfeld - 1989 The Handicap Spot 4-22?

Seinfeld - 1989 The Handicap Spot 4-22 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Canada:PG (video rating)

What is slope rating for a golf course?

The difficult level in its gradient. The Slope system addresses the problem of portability of handicaps by adjusting a player's USGA Handicap Index according to the relative difficulty of the golf course being played. Courses are rated according to the relative difficulty for both the scratch and the bogey golfer. Slope Rating is based on the performance of the bogey golfer as defined by the USGA.

How do you calculate your handicap in golf?

Instructions:Step 1Play five rounds of 18-hole golf or take the scores from your last five rounds of 18-hole golf. The five rounds are what are commonly used to calculate a handicap. If you were to take the scores from more or fewer than five rounds, there would be a different formula and it would not be as accurate.Step 2Consult the scorecard or call the course clubhouse to find the rating and slope for each course you played during the five rounds. This might seem a little odd, but not every course is as easy as the next. You might shoot 5-under par at an easier course, but at Pebble Beach, you might shoot 15-over par. The difficulty of the course has to be taken into account to measure different golfers against each other.Step 3Take the scores you shot at each course and subtract the golf course's rating from that number. Make sure to use the correct course rating for each score or your handicap will be skewed--and not necessarily in your favor.Step 4Get the product of each of the five numbers you calculated in Step 3 multiplied by 113. The 113 is the universal number used for official U.S. Golf Association handicaps, although it might seem a little arbitrary.Step 5Find what is commonly referred to as the golf differential by dividing each of the five numbers you have after steps 3 and 4 by the slope rating of the courses.Step 6Take the lowest of the five numbers you calculated in Step 5 and multiply by "0.96." Once you have this number, disregard any decimals after the second number and this is your golf handicap.