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It will go as fast as it's terminal velocity

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Q: If you throw a tennis ball of the Empire State Building how fast will it go?
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What can i do to not throw my tennis racket?

Hold on tight!

Why does a tennis ball go far if you throw it?

When you throw the tennis ball, it flies for a distance before dropping down because when you throw the tennis ball, you use force, which is transferred to the tennis ball, which then converts to kinetic energy (movement energy), to allow the tennis ball to go far.

How high can you throw a tennis ballball up?

depends on strength

How do you serve in table tennis?

you throw the ball in the air and hit it

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you eat a fish, construct a diagram of an elephant, eat cheese flavoured chickens, throw a can of baked beans out of the window of a dog, marry a bicycle, and the coke can is fired off of the roof for you at a cost 24 telephone poles.

A tennis player throw a tanatrum at the US Open?

Serena Williams

Does the kid in E.T. throw a baseball or a tennis ball in to the garage?

a Baseball

If you have a tennis ball but you are not playing tennis and there is nothing in front of you so if you throw it it wont hit anything You throw it doesn't hit anything and comes back to you how?

You are lying on your back, looking up at the sky, and throwing it upwards. Earth's gravity will make the tennis ball come back to you.

How do you destroy a beer bottle?

Smash it on the ground, throw it at a tree, put it through a wood chipper, eat it, throw it off the side of the Empire State Building, use it as a drumstick, put it in a boiling oven, use it as a bowling pin, shoot at it with a shotgun, slap it with a wet noodle until dead, use it as a test dummy for guns, destroy it with your mind, drop it from a helicopter, ask someone else to destroy it, submerge it in acid, submerge it in magma, throw it at a building, bury it, flamethrower it, ask Chuck Norris to roundhouse kick it, get it trampled by a horse.

How do you play Apple Schmear?

Throw an Apple at the batter, who is holding a tennis racket and they hit it.

Which famous New York City landmark is on an island?

You are probably thinking of the Statue of Liberty, which is located on Liberty Island. Also, the Ellis Island Immigration Center is located on Ellis Island, which is just a stone's throw away from Liberty Island. Also, the borough of Manhattan is an island, and it has many famous landmarks on it, such as the Empire State Building, the Flatiron Building, Ground Zero, Rockefeller Center, and many others.

Do people usually throw a softball baseball or a tennis ball farther?

easily a baseball, try it.