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in Badminton during the service if shuttle touches the net but it reach oponent player successfully is it fault

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes, it is a service-fault. If it was the first serve, you take your second serve; if it was your second serve, the point is awarded against you in the game.

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no point is awarded

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11y ago

it s in the tire

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Q: If you served the ball in tennis and it hit the net and landed in my court is it a fault?
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If you served the ball in tennis and it hit the net and landed in your court is it a fault?


What is a fault is tennis?

A "fault" is committed when the server hits the net with the ball or when the ball is hit outside the service court.

What is “a fault” in tennis?

A missed serve is called a fault. When she/ he serve is a fault if the server swings and misses the ball

What sport can a player double- fault in?

A player can double fault in tennis. A double fault occurs when a player does not successfully place the ball in the opposing square on a serve two consecutive times.

The term double fault is associated with?

Table tennis, or Lawn Tennis

Can a foot fault be challenged in professional tennis?

What has "professional" got to do with it ? A foot fault is a foot fault.

What are some tennis words that begin with the letter F?

Fault Foot fault.

What is the foot fault rule in the game of Badminton?

For the beginning of every point, the server has two chances to get a serve in the correct service box. If on the first serve the ball is called a fault, then it is second serve. If on the second serve there is a let, then it is still the second serve, and the server may redo the serve.

Whats the definition of double fault in tennis?

A double fault in tennis is two consecutive serving faults that result in the loss of a point. The term double fault has been in use since 1909.

If a DNA test is court ordered and you did not get the notice what happens?

You can possibly go to jail by not showing up. If you get a notice it would be best to go. Otherwise you could possibly be police escorted. ------ If it is court ordered, you will be served by a police officer. If you don't receive the notice, either there is no court order or they have wrong info on where you live. If you were not served, that is not your fault. If you were served and are thinking about saying that you weren't, bad idea. If you weren't served I wouldn't worry about it.

What game uses the term fault?


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