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The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

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Q: If the tension in the string is doubled what will be the effect on the speed of standing waves in the string?
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What multiplicative factor would you increase tension if you double the speed of a wave on a string?

The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

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it will shorten it

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If the suspended mass is doubled, the tension in the string holding the mass will also double. This is because the force of gravity acting on the mass is now doubled, causing the tension in the string to counteract this increased force. The period of oscillation of the system may also change, depending on the exact setup and conditions.

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Increasing tension in a string will cause the amplitude of the wave produced by the string to also increase. This is because higher tension results in the string oscillating with greater force and displacement, leading to larger peaks and troughs in the wave.

What is meant by string in tension?

the force apply on string it vibrate this vibration is called tension of the string

Which factor would lower the pitch of a string?

The tension of the string. Less tension = lower pitch. This can be achieved by loosening the string or lengthening the string.

What will be tension in string if same force acts on the ends of string?

The tension in any part of the string is equal to the force that pulls the string at the ends (assuming for simplicity that the string is basically weightless).

What is the solution of tension of the string?

apply the formula of tension

What are some examples of tension?

Nervous tension: "The tension from waiting for the jury to give its verdict was giving me a headache."Physical tension: "If you overtighten the guitar string, the tension will be so great the string will snap."

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If there is too much tension on a string, it can break or snap. The string may also lose its elasticity and begin to stretch permanently. Excessive tension can lead to damage and compromise the integrity of the string.

How do you calculate force in a string?

To calculate the force in a string, you need to consider the tension in the string. This tension can be calculated using the equation (T = F \cdot \cos(\theta)), where (T) is the tension, (F) is the force applied to the string, and (\theta) is the angle between the string and the direction of the force.

If we wrap a second wire around a guitar string to increase its mass what effect does this have on the frequency and wavelength of the fundamental standing wave formed on that string?

Increasing the mass of the guitar string by wrapping a second wire around it will decrease the frequency of the fundamental standing wave because the wave speed remains constant. The wavelength of the standing wave will be longer due to the decrease in frequency.